You can use your postcode or location to check that you’re within the surgery’s catchment area.
Check your postcode on the Find a GP page on the NHS website
We provide services for people living in the following areas:
Ambrosden, Arncott, Beckley, Begbroke, Bletchingdon, Charlton on Otmoor, Chesterton, Elsfield, Enslow, Fencott, Hampton Poyle, Hampton Gay, Horton-cum-Studley, Islip, Kidlington, Kirtlington, Merton, Murcott, Noke, Oddington, Stanton St John, Tackley, Water Eaton, Wendlebury, Weston on the Green, Woodperry, Yarnton, also Islip side of A41 of the new Kingsmere development in Bicester.